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Stranded 6:43 Wed Oct 5
Brady on rebranding etc
Buzzword bingo


West Ham vice chairman Karren Brady insists London stadium move has been "well received"

The Hammers have won just one Premier League match in their new home with matches dogged by crowd trouble

Karren Brady claims West Ham's move to the Olympic Stadium has been “well received.”

The Hammers have won just one Premier League match in their new home since they relocated from Upton Park.

Home games have also been dogged by West Ham fans fighting each other and rival fans, not sitting down, not having seats and also stewarding issues.

A section of supporters chanted “Stratford's a s***hole, I want to go home” during their 1-1 draw against Middlesbrough on Saturday.

But, speaking at the Leaders 2016 conference at Stamford Bridge, vice chairman Brady painted a more positive picture about the controversial move and argued: “As a board my two chairman made a decision that because there is so much money in football now coming through the broadcasting revenues that we should use that money to make football affordable.

“So here we have this great stadium in London, much better prospects, facilities, travel links, everything, than our old stadium but we charge a lower price.

“So we offer them more dynamic product at an inferior price which is quite dynamic and it has been so well received.

“Rebranding ourselves was really important with the new stadium. We are in the London Stadium and we added the word London to our crest because we thought it had real global appeal.

“Nobody else does it and that's exact;y where we are. We are in the heart of London, in the foothills of the financial centre.

“We have the best stadium. There are some great stadiums in this country but there is only one Olympic stadium and it's ours and branded ours and it has really had a dynamic impact on the things that we can do.”

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

Texas Iron 6:41 Thu Oct 6
Re: Brady on rebranding etc
Very true...its all about CASH FLOW..

Sell Ground...50millionquid tucked away...

Get OS...100k a game rent...low cost rent a stadium...cheaper than Upton Park...

Get 20k plus more seats...at 20quid each...400k quid a game extra...10million a season extra...

So...massive millions of quids more a. Season...

Basic Economics in action...

Texas Iron 6:33 Thu Oct 6
Re: Brady on rebranding etc
What exactly has been done to...RE-BRAND West Hsm...

Apart from new badge...???

Load of old cobblers

Fivetide 6:12 Thu Oct 6
Re: Brady on rebranding etc

Lily Hammer 1:22 Thu Oct 6

mashed in maryland 6:12 Thu Oct 6
Re: Brady on rebranding etc
I never got the "lopsided" thing. Back in my day it was rare for a football ground to be completely symmetrical. And by my day I mean now.

Fivetide 6:12 Thu Oct 6
Re: Brady on rebranding etc
Apropos of nothing at all, this bit just made go "HA!" way too loudly in a big open office. Again.

"then they spoke to 3 absolute Joey's in the club shop"

the coming of gary 6:08 Thu Oct 6
Re: Brady on rebranding etc
... agreed - and anfield and old trafford could both now be considered lopsided (the insult thrown at upton park)

mashed in maryland 6:03 Thu Oct 6
Re: Brady on rebranding etc
Lily Hammer 1:22 Thu Oct 6

Agree with every word of that.

Foreign footie fans absolutely worship and romanticise English working class culture, in particular West Ham.

Anyone not believe me? Go onto Instagram and run a search for #casuals or #againstmodernfootball or #intecityfirm, absolutely loads of weird and wonderful cunts from Poland to Malaysia and even the USA all imitating what they consider to be English football culture.

When you get people thousands of miles away who don't even speak English with no connection to London or West Ham getting crossed hammers tattoos and sharing pictures of Upton Park on social media, you know it ain't because our fans are famous for sitting down and watching our Ps and Qs, and it certainly ain't cos of the shite served up on the pitch half the time.

I don't really care what goes on at board level and never really have, but Brady et al really should have taken this all into account and built on it rather than try to replace it (which is FUCKING OBVIOUSLY what they're doing)

Liverpool/Anfield is a good example of how the money/"progress" thing has been done right, IMO. Can even chuck Old Trafford into that.

Shane_WHUFC 5:57 Thu Oct 6
Re: Brady on rebranding etc
She's a snake like the other two running the club.
Doesn't feel the same going to watch west ham anymore, shit

Private Dancer 5:52 Thu Oct 6
Re: Brady on rebranding etc
Maybe Arsenal, but then again they literally only went around the corner, same station, terraced housing, dog stalls, etc.

Northern Sold 5:31 Thu Oct 6
Re: Brady on rebranding etc
Thing is PD there have been loads of stadium moves that the club have kept their identity... i'm trying to think of one on par with ours??

Private Dancer 5:08 Thu Oct 6
Re: Brady on rebranding etc
Of course it's a game changer, they wouldn't have done all this just to stay the same.

Russ of the BML 3:57 Thu Oct 6
Re: Brady on rebranding etc
Northern Sold 12:11 Thu Oct 6

"like I said It's a Complete and utter Game Changer"

Absolutely. Whether or not the West Ham fans like the new game is another matter.

overbyyer 3:28 Thu Oct 6
Re: Brady on rebranding etc
Caught a glimpse of your reflection in a shop window have you?

Eddie B 3:18 Thu Oct 6
Re: Brady on rebranding etc
It's Big Jugs, as a matter of fact.

Northern Sold 3:16 Thu Oct 6
Re: Brady on rebranding etc
Nope I gained legal entry into the ground thanks Edward... was well publicised on here... now get back to your razzle you sick fuck

LYALL OUT 3:14 Thu Oct 6
Re: Brady on rebranding etc
I really do not like this women at all.

Eddie B 2:29 Thu Oct 6
Re: Brady on rebranding etc
Lobbing half filled coke bottles at the Man U coach is not, technically, being there, I'm afraid.

Northern Sold 2:27 Thu Oct 6
Re: Brady on rebranding etc
Was there last season Edward my fine young pervert..

penners28 2:25 Thu Oct 6
Re: Brady on rebranding etc
"affordable football"

Ask huffers how much his chelsea ticket is...

andyd12345 2:21 Thu Oct 6
Re: Brady on rebranding etc
"As a board my two chairman made a decision that because there is so much money in football now coming through the broadcasting revenues that we should use that money to make football affordable."

This is complete bollocks. They didn't decide to make football more affordable as a result of increased broadcasting revenues. We would have had the same broadcasting revenues had we stayed at Upton Park.

What they realised is that they could make the club a lot more money by having a stadium that cost less to run, and housed a lot more people. Broadcasting revenues are a complete irrelevance. They then decided to package that together and sell it as the dream of bringing affordable football to the masses.

In reality, if they could sell 60,000 tickets a week at £50 each, then they would. The problem is they know they cant - they can sell 30,000 season tickets but the rest they need to flog for £15. Not because they want to, but because they have to.

If they were than concerned about bringing affordable football to the community they would be charging £5/£10 for the cup match against Chelsea.

Eddie B 2:21 Thu Oct 6
Re: Brady on rebranding etc
NS, that was probably the last time you were at Upton Park, I'm guessing?

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